You can make a difference!

Become a Member
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HHEF Members help us provide extraordinary learning experiences for all Hatboro-Horsham students. Our members are "in-the-know" about current HHEF projects, lend invaluable financial support for our programs, and receive special invitations to HHEF events. You can become a member with any gift of $10 or more!
Our **NEW** HHEF Member Pass includes exciting one-time promotions offered exclusively to HHEF Members. This is a wonderful opportunity to support our students and local Hatboro-Horsham businesses! Click here to join!

Corporate Matching Gifts
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Did you know that many companies will match employee gifts to non-profit organizations?
Consider approaching your employer to ask if they will double your impact on the HHEF!
Hatters Heroes
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Each year in May, the HHEF offers the opportunity to honor a Hatters Hero—someone in the Hatboro-Horsham community who has inspired you and/or your family. Hatters Heroes is a chance to share a personalized, heartfelt message of appreciation and gratitude with this special person while supporting extraordinary learning experiences for Hatboro-Horsham students.